The Dean is the first executive responsible to the board of Trustees for the performance of the college and work on the implementation of its objectives stipulated in the order to establish colleges and institutes of Higher Education, National and foreign, and other systems and regulations, without prejudice to this, as the deanship is the main channel of communication between the board of trustees and scientific affairs as well as between the heads of departments, professors and students.
The dean appoints the chairman of the board of trustees on the recommendation of the board, provided that he holds a PhD degree and has sufficient experience in the field of Higher Education, the dean's term is four years and may be re-appointed.
Terms of reference of the dean:
- Work on the development of the college and the advancement of its level and supervise the preparation of college plans and programs and work on their implementation after the approval of the board of trustees in coordination with the chairman of the board of trustees and other boards.
- General supervision and guidance of study programs as determined by the scientific council, provided that this does not contradict the general policies set by the council.
- Preparing studies and reports requested by the board of Trustees, the financial and administrative committee or the Scientific Council.
- Make a recommendation to the board of trustees to approve the salary structure.
- Submit an annual report on the institution's scientific, administrative and financial performance to the board of trustees.
- Representing the college and speaking on its behalf in front of bodies, universities or other bodies internally or externally.
- Monitoring the performance and behavior of all college employees in accordance with the regulations.
- Supervising admission and registration at the college.
To this end, he may issue temporary orders that are effective immediately upon their issuance, provided that they are presented to the council at its first meeting for approval, Amendment or cancellation and, in case of cancellation, they do not have a retroactive effect.
- Chairing the scientific committee, examination committees, admission, registration, appointment and promotion of faculty members.

- Setting the general strategy of the college and drawing its scientific policy.

- Reviewing, discussing, evaluating and proposing the development of works and achievements related to the college.

- Propose a college budget project.

- Approval of the appointment of vice-presidents of the faculty and heads of departments.

- Approval of the events of colleges and centers.

- Approval of the executive regulations, financial regulations, bylaws and by-laws.

- Implementing the general policy of the college by drawing and organizing education, research and training programs and drawing up plans to provide adequate means to achieve this.

- Developing plans for the construction of buildings and completing and developing laboratories, equipment and libraries at the college.

- Propose the internal regulations of the college and the internal regulations of academic programs.

- Approval of the appointment of faculty members and their transfer within the college, setting the rules of contracting with them, determining their compensation, bonuses and all other matters related to their work.

- Proposing to conclude cooperation agreements with Sudanese, Arab and foreign universities and Arab, regional and international organizations after the approval of the higher education administration.

- Approval of construction projects in the college and follow-up on their implementation.

- Conclude Cooperation, Association or partnership agreements with institutions whose objectives correspond to the objectives of the council mentioned above.

- Appointment of a legal adviser and an external auditor. The statute includes details of the procedures for the tasks and responsibilities referred to above.