The Human Resources Department allows applications to be submitted through the recruitment platform on the college website, in accordance with the visions adopted by the college, to be consistent with the policies of higher education and scientific research, and relevant authorities.
Right to compete for selection:
All Sudanese have the right to compete for selection to fill any announced position without discrimination except for competence, academic qualifications and experience according to the conditions for filling the position.
Appointment conditions:
- It is required for those appointed or reappointed to a position in the college:
- To be Sudanese by birth, provided that non-Sudanese may be appointed by contract if it is not possible to find a qualified Sudanese to fill the position.
- Not less than sixteen years of age and not more than (65) years of age according to a birth certificate or age estimate issued by the competent authorities.
- To be medically fit to fill the position, provided that the medical certificate is submitted to the college before receiving the work.
- To have obtained the minimum academic qualifications and practical experience required to fill the position, provided that the original certificates proving this are presented, authenticated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
- To be of good conduct and behavior.
- The worker must not have been sentenced to prison for a crime that violates honor or honesty.
- Those who have been dismissed from service by virtue of a disciplinary decision shall not be reappointed.
- Any worker whose service has ended by resignation shall not be reappointed except after six months from the date of termination of his service.
- His service shall not have ended due to failure to successfully pass the probationary period.
- His service shall not have ended due to loss of medical fitness.
- No worker who has obtained academic or professional qualifications from any educational or training institution may be appointed except after a decision is issued by the competent authority to evaluate them.
The worker may be reappointed with the same grade and salary as his previous grade, provided that in the event of obtaining a higher academic qualification or experience, a higher salary or grade may be considered.
Appointment of retirees after reaching the mandatory retirement age:
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees may, upon the recommendation of the competent authorities, approve contracting with retirees after reaching the legal age temporarily and on a monthly basis with the same salary of his previous grade due to the urgent need to fill the shortage or scarcity in the field of specialization and for a maximum period of five years.
Authority for approval of appointment and reappointment:
- Senior leadership positions by a decision of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees based on the nomination of the competent authorities.
- Positions in the higher grades by a decision of the Dean of the College based on the nomination of the competent authorities
- Grades from seven and below by a decision of the Vice Dean of the College based on the nomination of the competent authorities.
Probationary period:
It shall not be less than three months of continuous service, excluding periods of absence.
If the employee's competence is not confirmed at the end of the probationary period, he shall be transferred to any other department for re-evaluation within a period of six months, after which he shall be absorbed into permanent service or his service shall be terminated according to the evaluation result.
Calculating practical experience:
- The corresponding experience in the public sector is calculated as one year for one year and similar experience in the public sector as one year for half a year based on a certificate approved by the head of the previous unit.
- The corresponding experience in the private sector is calculated as one year for half a year as a minimum and one year as a maximum, provided that the experience certificate is approved and stamped by the previous unit.
- Previous experience is calculated after the appointment or reappointment is approved by the competent authorities, provided that the job is offered to the applicant for appointment.
Certificate of previous experience:
The certificate of previous experience for appointment must include at least the full name, date of birth, qualification or academic qualifications and date of obtaining them, job title and grade, the entity where he worked, the start and end dates of the previous service by day, month and year, the last salary he received, and the reasons for the end of service.
Duties of workers and what is prohibited for them:
- They perform the work assigned to them themselves with efficiency, mastery, honesty and impartiality within the limits of their specializations and they allocate working hours to perform their duties and job responsibilities. They may also be assigned to work outside of their official hours if the interest of work requires it.
- Maintaining official working hours and regularity and not being absent except for an acceptable excuse.
- Carrying out their job duties or tasks assigned to them anywhere inside or outside the country, including attending training courses and participating in seminars, symposia and conferences.
- Respecting their superiors and treating their colleagues, subordinates and students well.
- Obeying and implementing the orders issued to them by their superiors within the limits of laws and regulations.
- Not committing any violation of laws and regulations or any negligence or any transgression in their application. If the worker is issued by his direct supervisor in violation of laws and regulations or anything of that nature occurs as a result of implementing the orders issued to him in writing by his supervisors, the supervisor alone bears the responsibility for implementing the orders issued by him and criminal or legal violations do not fall within the scope of that.
- Avoiding doing work or appearing in a manner that is not appropriate for their job position or conflicts with the requirements of duty or professional ethics, whether in the workplace or outside it.
- Commitment to work uniform, whether it is a special uniform or a general uniform, taking into account that the uniform is appropriate, modest, and legitimate and does not conflict with Sudanese customs.
What is prohibited for workers:
- Misuse of job authority.
- Exploitation of job influence.
- Accepting gifts from stakeholders who are directly related to the college's activity.
- Disclosing secrets that they learn by virtue of their jobs if they are confidential in nature or if there are instructions to keep them secret, and the obligation to keep them secret remains in effect even after the end of their service.
- Keeping for themselves the original or a copy of any official paper or seizing this original or taking a copy of the related files even if they are related to work they were personally assigned to do except with written permission from the Dean of the College.
- Combining two jobs for workers, employees and administrators, as for the teaching staff, it is permissible to contract completely with a university or college (academic unit) and partially with another